Saturday, March 24, 2007

Its Saturday


Today was a pretty busy day. After work, our BBall coach had a pizza/NCAA tournament/basketball party at his house. Quite a few of the team showed up. We played ball until it was to dark to see. It got pretty interesting near the end. We got there at 4pm, and didn't leave until 8:30 pm.

Tomorrow is an even busier day. We have church in the morning, a Square Dance in the afternoon, and Mr Shell (the man who farms in China) is arriving @ Chicago O'hare around 4:30pm, and then taking a shuttle to Waukesha where we will pick him up. He is going to stay for a week, and then the 1st of April, He, Dad, Zack and I are flying out to China. We are leaving from Chicago at 1am, and he is leaving at 12:45pm, so we will beat him back to china by 12 hours.

Just wanted to update. Ali helped me get my profile photo up yesterday. It was the picture we used to get passports.

Well, gotta go take a shower.
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy day......have a great time in China!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ike!

I hope you had a great time at the bball thing!!!!!

see ya


Anonymous said...

Have a good time in China!