Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vacation update


How y'all doing?? Right now it is a nice 48 degrees and going to get warmer!! A nice change from the single digits!!

Anyway, we got back from our Grandparents house 9pm Tuesday night. We left from the farm (where we work) about 9pm Saturday night, and got there a quarter after 1am. I drove an hour before getting too tired.

Sunday we went to church. Zack and I went with Grandpa a bit early so he could perform his elder duties, and usher. Everyone else came a little bit later. After church everyone but Grandma, Mom, Ali and Aleks came home (they went shopping).
We watched the Badger get beat :-(, and Zack and I played Basketball.

Monday we woke up to 4 - 6 inches of snow!! We were able to get the snowmobiles and four wheeler out for a bit. Did a little sledding, and had a snowball fight!! Played some cards with Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else. Also cooked hot dogs and s'mores over the campfire.

Tuesday we played some more cards, and packed. We left around 4pm. It was really fun, and relaxing!!

On the way home we stopped and looked at a truck. A 1995 Ford F-350, Crew cab (4 doors), Diesel, Dually, 2wd. Almost my dream truck except it's not a 4x4, and it's a dually. It was only 6 grand!! I am praying about it but leaning towards keeping my money earning interest since we'll be moving!!

My sister offered to show me how to post pictures, so I'll try to take her up on that soon.

I gotta go for now.

May the Lord Bless You!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast at your grandparents! Snowmobiling sounds like SO much fun. The truck sounds awesome! Keep posting.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Cards are fun. What kind of games do you play?

Ike said...

We played card games like Sheepshead, Cribbage, and President with my Grandparents. Some other fun ones are Yooker, Blackjack, Poker(we don't gamble:-), Nerds, Peanuts(basically same as nerds), Golf, Speed, Hong Kong (coincidence?), and a few more.

Tonight was our second to last Basketball practice. We have two more games left: April 3rd (while we're in China) :-(, and April 17th. Both are against Abundant Life which was the first team we beat.

Well, It's getting late.

God bless!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ike!

I was really fun at grampa and gramma's.

That would be cool if you could get the truck!!!

see ya,