Friday, March 30, 2007

We may be moving to................................................China??

Hello All!!

I know probably everyone who ever sees this blog already knows about this, but I'm gonna blog about it anyway. My dad has been contacted with an opportunity to start a dairy farm in China. They already have Cashmere goats, sheep, and some chickens. They are looking to expand the farm to milk cows as well. If you asked me that if I could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, China would probably be near the bottom of the list!! But God has opened so many doors, and has been doing amazing things. Our whole family is SOOOOOOOO excited about the opportunity!! Dad has always been wanting to have a dairy farm, but God never opened the doors. So this is an answered prayer. It is strictly a job opportunity. The manager of the farm knows a lot of stuff about all kinds of farming, except is a little thin in dairy knowledge. And my dad has been working on dairy farms and knows a lot of stuff.

The farm has 10 acres and leases 1000 more!! Yes that's one THOUSAND!! A family from Virginia is there right now, and we will be taking over eventually so they can move on with other work. Dad, Zack and I will be flying over to the farm to look it over. We will be leaving Chicago O'Hare 1am (our time) Sunday and will get there 12pm their time. We will fly for 14 hours Chicago to Seoul, S.Korea, have a 4 & 1/2 hour layover, and then 2 & 1/2 hour flight to Yanji China. We'll get back to Chicago @ 6pm Saturday (the 7th) and will work Sunday.

Anyway, I hope you learned something new!! Unless I post sometime tomorrow aft., I will try to post Sat. nite (7th). We'll hopefully be taking our camera, so I should be able to blog some pics!!

God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

The opportunity sounds exciting, and I hope everything works out for you guys! Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

That music video is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

That music video is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double