Wednesday, March 28, 2007



Yesterday and today weren't quite as nice as the last few days, but at least we don't have any snow!! Tomorrow it is supposed to warm up more, and have some sunshine!!

Today Mr Shell took us out to eat, and then we took him to our friends' (the Siegmanns) farm. They have an organic dairy farm and store. They have a swing 25 machine parlor. He watched them milk a little bit to see what it was like.

Tomorrow we are going to a Farm show in Oshkosh, or Appleton WI. It goes from 9am to 3pm. Then we have our last basketball practice of the season :-(

Well, I gotta go.
May the Lord bless you and keep you!!

1 comment:

--aleks k. said...

Hey Ike!

Wow! last bball practice, i didn't know that!
