Sunday, April 15, 2007

Eye Opening

Hello All!!

Today was SUCH a COOL day!! This morning everyone went except Ali, Emmy, Aleks & Anja went to the Fellowship. God really opened my eyes to something this morning that was holding me captive. Last Wednesday morning some Jehovah's Witnesses came back (they had come while we were in China). Ali had talked to them for a while then and she DID NOT want to go back out, so Mom went & talked with them. She ended up talking to them for about 1 hour (with a friend helping with bible verses thru the phone :-). I was listening inside to the conversation & I ended up going out near the end. They were trying to separate the Trinity (because they don't "understand" how three people can be one at the same time). Anyway, their "bible" is changed in John 1:1 to say "In the beginning was the Word(Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was A God". The man challenged Mom to go back to the Greek bible to find the "truth" about it. That REALLY bugged me!! He said he will come back in one month. So in my flesh I set about finding everything I could about their religion. I stayed up until midnight doing research and find contradictions etc. When they come back, I'm gonna blow them right out of the water!! I'm gonna come up with as much Ammo as I can find and take them to the cleaners!! But this morning, God really spoke to my heart and said, "what's your true motive, is it out of compassion for their souls, or do you just want to prove them wrong". One of the elders told of how two Mormons had shown up at his house and God told him to let them in. So after they finished their speech, God told him to tell them of everything God is doing at the Fellowship. The younger one asked him when we met!! He never showed up, but it shows that Gods ways are always better than ours and he is in control. So I COVET your prayer as I pray for wisdom and guidance for this situation. I still want to have answers for him, but I want it to be God speaking thru me, not myself. God is giving me compassion for his soul, even though compassion is one of my weaknesses. Sometimes he uses our weaknesses more than our strengths, because we have to rest in him even more.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that as a testimony of Gods sovereignty, of his goodness and his love!!

For more info on China go he
re. It's got an update on it.

God Bless!!
Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a neat testimony. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!