Saturday, April 21, 2007

An Update


Yes, I know it's been a while (an understatement), so heres my week in review.

Monday: was a normal day, Girls had piano lessons,etc.

Tuesday: Everyone except Mom & Anja went to our final Basketball game of the season. We lost by 9 points. I had 4 points (including a reverse layup) & 7 rebounds. We are hoping to play for a couple of months this fall before we move. We have made TREMENDOUS strides as a team, and it was exciting to take part in that!!

Wednesday: Zack & I went into work in the am. PM we went to a Square Dance. The caller was really good, but he said a lot of bad stuff. The dance itself was fun!!

Thursday: PM Ali babysat, & Mom went out to dinner with some friends. So Zack and I worked for a sick friend, and so Dad could stay home with the girls.

Friday: Yesterday Aleks, Zack and I setup our badminton net. It is SUPER FUN!! Mom found the bones for a Raccoon in the woods. I'll have to post a pic.

Saturday: Today I worked with dad. It went good. Tonight Ali, Zack, Aleks & I played badminton before Zack left for work.

Please remember Matt in your prayers. He has been sick since Wednesday, & they think he has a stomach infection. He is going to the Dr. Monday.

Tomorrow I will probably be working with Dads boss in the am. Everyone else is going to pick me up on the way Fellowship, and then there is a Square Dance in the afternoon.

I will be more consistent with posting (Hopefully)!!
God Bless!!
Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dance was pretty fun. I wish there would have been more people though! lol I agree with what you said about the dance Wednesday. What that caller was saying was bugging me.

We used to have a badminton net, but then it broke. It is fun though!