Saturday, April 14, 2007

Travel Journal entry # 3

Date: 4/7/07 Saturday Time: 1:35pm Place: Airplane between Yanji and Seoul

Hi Everybody!!

Right now we are on our way to Incheon International Airport in Seoul, South Korea. We left Yanji airport about 35 minutes ago. This flight is a 2 &1/2 hour flight & then we have a 2 & 1/2 hour layover in Seoul. Then the 12 & 1/2 hour flight to Chicago O'Hare starts. It took 14 hours to S. Korea from Chicago, but because of the jet stream it takes a little bit quicker to get back.

Thursday morning Mr Shell, Dad, Zack, myself & the office manager at the farm went to a "dairy farm" to look for dairy cows and/or dairy heifers to buy. It was really unsanitary & dirty. They had several different buckets full with cow organs and stuff in them. None of their cow looked good.

That night the carpenter that is working @ the farm took us, and the Shells out to eat. The main dish was "Chow - za", or dumplings. They were REALLY good!! Another dish was sweet potato slices with a sugar glaze over the top. Surprisingly they were good too.

Yesterday morning after eating breakfast Mr Shell, Dad, Zack and I took a walk back to the spot where our house will go. The sheep barn is back there too. Thursday night 2 sheep died & they think it had something to do with their livers. The artesian spring is right by there too. So we will have that water on tap!! Later that afternoon we went back to town to buy rubber "muck" boots. Dad and I each bought a pair for about 5 USD. Zack bought a nice jacket for $12.

Last night we had tacos for supper with homemade tortillas. It was REALLY good!! Then we watched a creation dvd. It talked about dogs, horses, manatees, butterflies and more. It was really interesting.

This morning after waking up around 5am & packing everything, I called home to see how Moms Ultrasound went. Ali said the doctor is 65 - 35% sure it's a boy!! He was 60 - 40% sure with Anja & he was right then!! It would be an answer to a LONG time prayer!! Then around 7am Zack, Mary Frances (9), Ruth Anna(7), Miriam(4) and I walked from the house to the office building (about 1/4 to 1/2 mile) to play pingpong. Zack and I played for about 1 hour before heading back to the house. We got everything ready to & left at 9am. I forgot my bag with books and gifts until we were a little ways down the driveway. :-)

It was 1 & 1/2 "exciting" hours back to Yanji!! I got some good pics of traffic in China. In that particular area the police don't strictly enforce any driving rules, so it's alot different driving than at home!!!

Well, I'm going to sign out for now.
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

A Boy! That's really exciting! :) There's a huge break in there for you guys with boys! LOL
Are Mary Frances, Ruth Anna and Miriam Mr. Shell's kids?

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
