Monday, April 9, 2007

Travel Journal entry# 2

Date:4/5/07 Time:5:45am Place:Hunchun, China
Hi All!!
The last couple of days have been cool!!
Tuesday Mr Shell got here from Yanji @ about 12pm. He got to Beijing, Monday evening and had to spend the night. He rented a hotel room for the night.
Dad, Zack and I took a walk to try and find the artesian spring. We found out later that we came to with in a stones throw of it :-). After lunch Mr Shell took us on a tour of the property in his truck. We went all the way to the Russian border. We got alot of pictures to blog!!
Yesterday Dad, Zack & I walked for about 1 hour & got almost to the end of the property. After we got back, Mr Shell took us to the office and we talked farming for a while. We ate lunch with the workers in the cafeteria. Then we went to the house & rested for a bit. Later Mr Shell took us to town and dropped us off @ the market. There were a ton of vendors outside & inside selling the same things. There was a vegetable & fruit market, & a meat market. There were tons of places selling belts, watches, jewelry etc. We just walked around & waited for Mr Shell to get back. When he did, we bought some gifts to bring home. I love to shop & buy gifts! But i found out, dickering with them is almost as fun!! Mr Shell said, "when they tell you a price, cut it in half and take a little more off of that price". He said even @ 1/2 the starting price they are making a good profit.
After we were finished shopping, they took us out to eat at a restaurant where you grill your own shishkabobs. They had beef, & lamb. The lamb was incredible!! The whole meal cost around $12!! The restaurant is considered an upper class type of restaurant.
I managed to stay up later than my 6pm bedtime. I fell asleep around 8:30pm. Here in China it starts getting light around 4:30am, and the sun rises around 5am.
Well, I should go.
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time in China! Welcome Home.

Anonymous said...

That's cool that you can barter with them on prices. When we went to Mexico for a day, we had fun doing that! :)
4:30 is really early for the sun to rise!