Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Monthly update??!!

How's October finding you?? It is flying by so quickly, I can't believe the summer is gone:-( Fall is my favorite season except for when it rains all the time:-)

Welcome to my new "updated" blog. Ali changed hers and I liked it sooo much I decided to try a new format on my own. I like it but would love input. After a while I like a little bit of change & shakeup!! And by the way, I'll try (yes, I'm saying it again!) to be more consistent with my posting.

Well, It's been almost a full month since I last posted so I'll try & update to the best of my ability.

Ali, Zack & Aleks have been very busy getting ready for their play which debuts on Thursday night. With practices at least 2 days a week. I'm looking forward to seeing it, as I've read bits of the script & it sounds like a funny play!!

Last Friday night my Grandma (Mom's side) and her husband, my Aunt and cousin came down for a short visit. Us older kids knew they were coming, but the littler ones were pleasantly surprised!! We stayed up late talking & such.

Saturday morning Zack & I had our first basketball practice. We're returning all 5 starters from last year, and some guys from the younger team will be playing exclusively with the Varsity team. I'm excited about this year, being both mine & Zack's second year playing and our whole team being more familiar with each other. Our first game is scheduled for the middle of November against WCHSA (which we know most of the guys on that team) which will be alot of fun!! We also are going to play in a tournament hosted by a team that has a 6'10" player!! I've been to a couple of tournaments to watch but never have played in one before.

We stayed up late Saturday night & played Balderdash. I don't know who won as I went to bed before they finished the game.

Sunday we had to work. I got home before they (Grandma) left for home to say goodbye. Mom & Dad went to a benefit for a friend of ours who has cancer in the afternoon. Please be praying for Mr Marquardt (I don't remember his first name) as he continues to fight cancer.

Everyday this week (Ali, Zack & Aleks) either have a play practice or performance. Tonight & tomorrow afternoon are their last practices. Thursday night most of our family is going to see the performance. Friday night Dad & I have to work & they have a performance. Saturday morning we have basketball practice, they have a performance in the afternoon, followed by the cast party.

Then, after milking Saturday night we are driving thru the night to Kentucky. We're going to visit some friends Sunday, and then leave Sunday night or Monday morning to drive to Virginia to see the Shell Family (from China). Then Tuesday we're coming home & probably going to stop at the New Creation Mueseum. We have to be back for work on Wednesday morning. So it's going to be a busy week and a half!!

Anyway, a long and boring post, but at least I did it!!
God Bless!!
Romans 8:28


~AliisaJoy~ said...

Yay!!! Ike blogged! It's about time . . . . Although I can't really talk~ ;/

I really like your new template! THAT'S why you were on the computer so long the other day! lol

Hope you had fun at the dance tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you updated! Amazing. lol

Ali, at least you've updated more recently that 1 month...;)

Have fun with basketball!

--aleks k. said...

hey ike,

I know this is really late to comment but who cares. I think that there were more friends on Friday that we new but I don't know,
