Monday, September 17, 2007

A LONG overdue update!!


I've been procrastinating too long, I decided to finally make my once a month (or year ;-) post. It's gonna be a long one!!

I don't know where to start. On Jake's 3 week "birthday" mom & I took him to his first Brewers game!! We got some good seats & parking & the game was as good. My Favorite player Prince Fielder hit a 3 run home run in the 1st inning, NL Rookie of the Year Ryan Braun hit a 3 run home run in the second, and Corey Hart hit a 3 run home run in the 4th in rout to a 14 - 2 Brewers win!! We have a few pictures but I can't figure it out right now, so maybe later.

Saturday (the 8th) Ali & I went to the East Troy Bluegrass. We entered in the Band Scramble & got in the same band. We took 4th place out of 4 bands. It was still fun!!

Sunday Ali went to East Troy with some friends while the rest of us went to Church. We got home to see the last 1/2 of the 4th quarter to watch the Packer's win 16 - 13!!

Saturday morning Ali, Zack, Anja, A friend & I went to Bethesda. It is a REALLY big week long rummage sale @ the dodge county fairgrounds. Zack & I didn't find much, but Ali found alot of stuff!!

Saturday night we went to a Brewers game & they won 5 - 3!! Jake is a Really good Good luck charm!! Prince Fielder hit another home run & JJ Hardy hit a home run.

Sunday we watched most of the Packer game. Brett Favre threw 3 touchdowns & they routed the New York Giants 35 - 13!! It was a good game.

Sunday afternoon a dear lady from our fellowship came over. She used to live in Waukesha but she now lives in Iowa. She spent last night & left today to go home.

Another note, our basketball team finally has a name!! We are the Jefferson County Hawks. We picked out new jerseys to change from the black & whites we used to use. We are going to practice twice a week this year, which will be really nice. Last year it took us a while to get used to playing with each other.

Anyway, enough rambling.
God Bless!!
Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, you updated! I'm in the process...but it's a boring update. lol well, c ya later-