Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Sweet Eighteen!!!

Happy Birthday Ali!!
She is one AWESOME Actress!! For those who saw the play know what I'm talking about. She gave her all and did a fabulous job!! But in her own life, none of it is an act. She is a great sister, wonderful friend, awesome teammate I could go on & on!! Sure we have our quarrels, we all have our moments, but she is really growing & letting the Lord live through her. It's awesome to see!!

She is a wonderful big Sister!! She is a great teacher to her little sisters, a very hardworker, a great cook and isn't afraid of dirty work. She's the one who gets the girls dressed, hair done, and puts them to bed.

She can sew REALLY well, she is VERY generous, teaching her skills to others. She's made a quilt and skirts for her little sisters & friends. She enjoys playing cards, board games, & outdoor sports like Football & Basketball. All the kids she babysit's for LOVE her along with all of us!! She has MANY friends, & no enemies. She is going to make someone an awesome wife and wonderful mother someday!! It's exciting to watch and see what Christ is doing in her life as she lets him have control!!

We missed you when you were gone Ali!! We all love you sooooooo much!! Happy Birthday Ali!!
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Anonymous said...

Happy 18th Birthday, Ali!!
That was a really, really sweet post, Ike! I agree- you have one awesome sister!!! Thanks for sharing her with us last week!
Ali, Ike is so right!! The Lord just radiates through your life!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Elizabeth...that was really sweet. Ali is a wonderful young lady. :)

~AliisaJoy~ said...

Ike, thank you so much!! That is such a sweet post! I am so blessed to have you as a brother! I love you!

B(ELLS) 4 Jesus said...

What an awesome post! I TOTALLY agree! How could anyone be enemies with Ali! :)