Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Quick Update

This past week has been REALLY busy!! Ali went to Kansas for a week to visit her penpal. She got into Mitchell International Airport at 1 am this morning. She was supposed to get in around 10 pm, but the flight got delayed. BTW, yesterday was her birthday. Dad's boss was on vacation, so Zack & I had to work alot more, try to stick hunting in there, & it makes for a very busy week!! Along with that we had company for the last 3 weeks!! My Aunt & cousin were here until last saturday. It's nice to have people staying with us, but it's also nice to have some time as a family.

A few other notes: We lost our first Basketball game 59 to 49. Zack made his first start & hit 2 three pointers and had 8 points. I had 5 points & 7 - 10 rebounds. We were leading by 1 with about 2 minutes left, but we ended up losing. Our second game had a better outcome. We won 55 - 50 over Washington County's JV team. Zack had 7 points (it should've been 8) with 2 more three's (but they only counted one), I had 10 points, and around 10 rebounds.

Dad, Zack & I are going to a Packer game!! We found tickets online for cheaper than most are going for right now. We are going to the December 9th game versus the Oakland Raiders!! It should be alot of fun. Zack & I went to a pre season game a couple years ago.

Anyway, I hope everybody had a GREAT Thanksgiving!!
God Bless!
Romans 8:28

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