Monday, November 12, 2007

Please Pray!!

Hey Guys,

I just want to ask you all to be praying for our family as we prepare for the passing of my Great Great Grandma Syria. It's looking like it's just a matter of time until she bids this sinful world good bye. It's going to be hard on all of us, but I know He will see us through. He hasn't failed and never will. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He saw Daniel through a den of lions and I KNOW he will comfort us.

God Bless!! I had a post almost done, but somehow it got deleted so hopefully I'll get it done in the morning!!
He is in Control!
Romans 8:28


Anonymous said...

Oh- you all will be in my prayers! It's always so hard to loose a loved one-- we lost our Great-Grandma 5 years ago this December.
I'm praying for your family!!

Anonymous said...

I will definately be praying for you guys. It's so hard when someone goes. We just lost my great grandma in October, too. :(