Thursday, March 15, 2007

I Finally figured it out!!!!!


I finally figured out how to get a new password. When I set my blog up a few days ago, I didn't write down my user name and password. So Tuesday night when I tried to blog I had forgotten my password :-)!! So I tried to get a new one, and I finally figured it out 5 minutes ago.

Anyway, if you have looked at the comments for my only post you would have seen we won our game 48 - 44 Tuesday night. Tonight we won our second game in a row!! We won 45 - 41!! This was the team we played our first game, and we lost 52 - 35. Tonight we were up 8 - 0 early, 21 - 14 at halftime, and we overcame a rough stretch in the last 36 seconds. We were winning by 2 with 36 seconds left to go and they were shooting 2 free throws. They missed both free throws and got the rebound, missed another shot, and our center hit a shot to put us up by 4 points. I had six points (career/season highs) and 6 - 8 rebounds. Zack had a couple of REALLY SWEET assists!! Coach has 1 - 2 games set up (unofficially) with the team we played Tuesday night.

Anyway, my dad's boss got home tonight. I won't have to work tomorrow!! Sunday we are going up to the UP to visit my grandparents. We'll be coming home sometime Tuesday. And other than that, not much else is going on.

May the Lord bless you and keep you!!


~AliisaJoy~ said...

Congrats on the win!! Wish I could've been there.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ike.
I like you blog!It is so cool!

That is sooo cool you won two games in a row!

see ya,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wins!! That is just great! Keep posting.
God Bless!