Monday, May 21, 2007

A Gorgeous Day!!

How's it goin' with you??

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day!! Everybody including Mom got outside alot. We all did our school work outside, & the little girls played in the pool!

We also started working on the books we're going to sell at CHEA. We are selling more stuff than we normally do in preparation for our possible move to China. It is about held at a resort about 15 minutes away. Ken Ham is going to be there, but we probably won't go to see him. For what it would cost to get our whole family in, we could buy a bunch of his DVDs. I might go I haven't decided (Dad said I can if I want).

Ali is doing better. She was back to herself by Friday afternoon.

Three Wooden Crosses is the first Country song I ever heard. I was starting my bosses tractor 3ish years ago and that song was on, and I was hooked!! I have found new favorites since then, but I still like the song!! I will probably be changing the song every once in a while so they won't get boring.

It sounds like tomorrow is going to be even more beautiful than today!! I love the summer!!
God Bless!!
For now,


~AliisaJoy~ said...

I LOVE this song!! I probably would've put it on my blog if I thought of it first ;)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to go to CHEA, but we usually only go on Thursday nights for shopping (me, Amy & my mom) and we were busy that night! Oh well. We haven't gone to any of the speakers for a long time, and we were gone all last week-end anyway so we couldn't go. Did you go see Ken Ham? We saw him at a VCY rally a few years ago. He was really good!
Are you guys going to the dance tonight? (Jerry Story)