Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A quick update


It's been a busy week!!

Sunday was our day off & we went to the fellowship in the AM. We hung out at home during the afternoon & used up gift certificates (to a pizza place) that had expired the day before (the nice people let us use them!!).

Monday Zack & I milked with Dad so he could get done early. Monday night we went to a square dance with a National caller. He is SUPER Good!! It was ALOT of fun!!

Tuesday was a normal day with school work :-( & all that good stuff.

Today we went to a Brewers game with some friends. They were winning 2 - 1 until the 8th inning when the Braves (of Atlanta) scored 7 runs to win the game. Prince Fielder (my favorite Brewer) hit his 18th home run to lead the National league. It was still fun even though they lost 9 - 3. Tonight we are going to a plus dance called by one of my favorite callers Bob Asp. It should be really fun!!

Tomorrow I'm going to take my drivers test @ 7:50am. I am a little nervous, but not too much. Then Mom & I are going to run errands. Then our family is probably going shopping @ CHEA for a little while & then hopefully some of us will go to square dance lessons.

Well, that's all for now, I need to help clean up.
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

I agree, Jerry Story was *really* good! I hope you did well on your road test! That's so exciting! I can't wait until I can get my license in September...:D
Is CHEA pretty close to you guys?

~AliisaJoy~ said...

CHEA is (at the most) 15 minutes from our house!