Friday, May 18, 2007

Its Friday


Yes, it has been a while since I've blogged.

Anyway, last Friday mom & a 2 friends went to a wedding on Mackinac Island. She left around 7am & got home around 7pm Sunday evening. So we gave her her Mothers day gifts before she left.

Saturday Ali & Zack went to the "Refinery". Every weekend there is always someone there playing music for 48 hours straight. I had a cold & a fever so I couldn't go :-( I was invited to play with a friend.

Sunday we cleaned up the house & mowed the lawn to get ready for Mom. I made shortcake with which we had strawberries when she got home. It turned out even though I made a mistake. I missed putting in almost 1 cup of butter & had to put it in at the end. That made it a little bit crunchy but still pretty good.

Monday the fever finally broke & it was a beautiful day. Ali & Zack went to a cast party for the play Ali helped with.

Tuesday was a normal day.

Wednesday night we went to a square dance. It was REALLY fun!! The caller was REALLY good and alot of friends went.

Yesterday Mom & I ran errands in the afternoon. I completed my collection of the Left Behind books (except for the one that just came out) @ Goodwill (gotta love that place). Emmy started square dance lessons last night. I stayed @ home with Ali & the two little girls (we're going to take turns).

Today Ali was going to go to Siegmanns to help with produce, but woke up sick, so if you could pray for her that would be appreciated.

God Bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been a

I hope Ali's better now!