Friday, June 15, 2007

Finally, a new post!!


Yes, I know it's taken TOO long to post, but we have been REALLY busy!!

This past week work was knocked up a notched. I am working 5 days a week, & Zack is working 3 mornings plus 4 - 5 nights. I've started power washing the calf barn :-(, and Zack has been clearing fence lines with a friend.

We got a pool (16' [diameter] by 3 &1/2' deep) from some friends, and it is REALLY nice!! We got it full of water today & all of us kids (minus Anja & Elsie) were able to fit in it!! It'll be really nice with how hot it's been.

Tomorrow Dad's parents & 2 sisters & their families are coming over!! I can't wait!! My uncle is going to bring his wiffle ball stuff (alot of fun), and I'm sure cards will get played. I made an apple & a cherry pie for tomorrow. I cheated a bit buying pie crusts from the store, but I didn't feel like messing around with them tonight. Aleks & Zack are going to go home with my Grandparents and are going to stay up there for a while. We aren't sure how they are going to get home yet.

Tomorrow night Herchel Tolson is calling @ a square dance. The last time we danced to him was our first square dance convention 3 or 4 years ago, and from what I remember he is REALLY good!! So Ali and I are probably (hopefully) going.

Well, I better sign off, tomorrow is going to be another long day.
God Bless!!


~AliisaJoy~ said...

FINALLY a post!! I know, I shouldn't talk . . . . ;)

Anonymous said...

How was the dance? Dana told Amy that the caller was supposed to be really good, but we were in VA so we missed it! Oh well.