Monday, June 25, 2007


My Great Great Grandma (on my mom's side) Syria is in the hospital with a heart condition. Last I heard her kidneys are failing and the doctors gave a few hours to a few days left to live. My mom is driving up with a friend & Lord willing will get there before it's too late. We don't know if she is saved or not (I PRAY she is), so PLEASE be praying for her salvation, and comfort for all of us. Romans 8:28

I'll try to find time to blog more later.
God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still praying for your Gramma Ike! (I read about her on Ali's blog earlier.) I'm glad that your mom was able to get there without any issues. I hope you'll all be able to make it there to see her soon! I'll keep praying for her salvation and her health!