Sunday, July 1, 2007

Its July!!

How's it goin'??

First off, an update on my Grandma. Monday afternoon she made a rally and is doing well!! Mom came back Tuesday. It didn't really surprise me even though she is in her 90s & has been fighting heart problems for 35 years. She always was strong. I am REALLY thankful we're going to get a chance to see her next week, God is SOOOO good!!

Yesterday we had our rummage sale, & it went well. Mom & Dad & Mrs Burant worked really hard on it, so I'm really glad it turned out. Ali helped out ALOT with pricing & watching the girls. Zack did alot of hauling the stuff out onto the lawn (from the barn). Aleks & her friend sold soda, water & cookies along with helping out with stuff. I'd love to brag about how much I did, but to tell you the truth, I did barely anything. I worked for a friend so I wasn't around until late afternoon.

Last night we went to a square dance. It was ALOT of fun!! Alot of people were there. It was a plus dance.

Wednesday after morning chores we are heading up north to my Great Grandparents cottage. I can't wait to see everyone, go swimming, and of course, get wet on the jet ski. Until last year I didn't wear glasses when i rode it, so I didn't do much on it, but I figured out how get wet on it!! We are going to come home late Sunday night.

I am getting REALLY sick of power washing!! I power washed the calf barn (2 weeks) that holds about 100 calves. Now I am power washing the ceiling in the free stall barn (and I was scared of heights). Hopefully I'll get it done by the time calving season starts (mid July). We are going to calve in 90 calves the first month, & 60 the second month!! Then it slows down a lot. This is the time of year seasonal calving isn't fun!!

Well I need to try to get to bed at reasonable hour!
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

Define "reasonable hour" for bed time! LOL
I'm glad your family's rummage was a success! It's really nice that your mom's friend would help out.
The square dance was TONS of fun!!! I think we missed the last plus dance, so it was great for us to go to one again. It's so fun when almost everyone in "the Siegmann group" can go!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, have a great 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged which means you have to write a blog about weird/random things about you. Even habits! And then you have to tag 10 people you know on xanga/blogger. When you add them to your tag list tell why you added them. When you tag them don't forget to comment their site to tell them that you tagged them.


Ike said...

Sometime before 11pm, as 6am comes around early!! It ususally ends up being between 11pm & 11:30pm.

As we are leaving tomorrow I'll have to do the tag thing when we get home (probably Monday).

God Bless Everyone!!
Happy Independence day!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have a fun and safe trip!
Woah, I don't have to get up at 6am...that's WAAAAAAAAAAY too early for me! Lately I've had to get up at 6:45am though, and that's really tough, especially because I like to stay up quite late. lol

Happy 4th to you, too! Alex said he'll miss you at square dancing tomorrow because he can actually come this time!