Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A humid Wednesday!

How's it goin??

Right now it is REALLY humid here.

Well, last Saturday Zack & I bought some new basketball shoes for a really reduced price. After that we went & played with Coach & a few other guys. Coach is already setting up games & is searching for a second gym so we can start out with 2 a week practices, which will be really nice!!

Sunday we went to a friend's home fellowship to see a missionary. It was a really fun time! We stayed there until 9pm. We are going to go to a drama workshop next tuesday. Then next month we are going to tryout for "The prince & the pauper". Hopefully we'll all get parts!!

Tomorrow is square dance lessons, which is always fun!!

Saturday we are going to the square dance convention in Illinois. We're going to be driving down with a bunch of friends. We'll be leaving around 7am, & won't get back 'til around midnight. It is going to be SOO much fun!! I can't wait!!

Well, I gotta go now.
Will post more later.
God bless!!


--aleks k. said...

I can't wait tell the convention! It is going to be a blast!

Well gotta get to bed.

it is 10:30!!

Sarah said...

Hope u guys (and gals) have fun @ the convention!! Bye!! Sarah

Anonymous said...

Do you guys play basketball with SWCHA Saints? jw

See ya tomorrow...I'm excited about convention too! :D


Anonymous said...

Convention was a blast!! There were some really good callers there, hey?!! I'm so glad that everyone was able to go!! :)

Ike said...

Convention was AWESOME!! I had ALOT of fun!! 2 of my favorite 3 callers were there (Bob Asp, Curt Braffet, & Jerry Story). Tom Manning was also alot of fun, & Tim Crawford was Amazing!!

No, we play for a team out of Watertown. We pay less money, practice less often, play less games, & aren't focused as much on winning. We still try to win, but it's more for fun.