Monday, July 30, 2007

Square Dance Convention

It was SOOOOOO much fun!! I think it was the most fun convention I've been to. My feet got really sore! I also got a blister on each of my feet because my cowboy boots are too small. I bought them @ a rummage sale for $3 bucks & they've lasted 3 YEARS!! So I've decided to buy a new pair. Anyway, we did alot of dancing in the plus hall, & 2 hours of High Energy plus dancing. I could do that all the time!! Plus getting in free (something I can afford!), & getting free pizza (thanks to Noah), & spending a day dancing with friends (most of my friends, except Matt, & Gumnesses [wish you guys could've came), made for a FUN day! I still can't believe it's over, & it's been 2 days since it happened! Ali is going to post a bunch of pictures hopefully soon.

Tomorrow we are going to a drama workshop in Fond du lac. It's on Auditioning. Next month we're going to tryout for "the Prince & the Pauper". I've been in plays before & it's really fun!!

Anyway, I'll try to post more later.
God Bless


Anonymous said...

Getting in free was soooo nice!
I think high energy dancing is my favorite. It's so much fun! :D You guys were getting pretty good at the girl part for plus, too. ;) lol

Have fun at the drama workshop. Sounds fun. :)
I'll be praying for your mom as she gets closer to her due date. I'm really excited for your family!
All I can say about Alex's b-day on here is that it's before Aleks'. (I'm not supposed to say exact dates online.)


Ike said...

I understand!

Sarah said...

Hi Ike, I'm glad you had fun, we REALLY wanted to go (ecspeically Ben!! ;)) It was good to see you @ the Workshop, I can' wait 4 try-outs!! See u later! Sarah

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby brother!! Finally another little brother hey?!!! I'm so excited for your family! Jacob is just adorable!! :-) I'm so glad that Ali posted pictures of him!