Sunday, July 15, 2007

Music, football, food & more!!

Hey, how's it going??

Yesterday was an incredible time of worship @ the Refinery. I was playing guitar with some friends and it really was AWESOME!! I had a bad morning @ work, and we got there late, & I was kind of dreading it cuz I hadn't done it before. But sometimes the very things we don't want to do God uses incredibly!!

Anyway, afterwards we went to the Gumnesses house (I had played with Nate, & Sarah along with others). We played Basketball, tag & ate good food!! It was ALOT of fun!! It also was Mrs Gumnesses birthday!!

Today I went into work with dad, and did MORE power washing!! The last 3 -4 weeks I've been power washing almost all the time. Lordwilling I will have all the power washing done by Friday!! Also Zack & I went & played football with some friends. The team I was on won 72 - 65, very high scoring!! I had 2 interceptions, 1 fourth down reception, & a dropped touchdown pass. We played for about 1 & 3/4 hours , and I was VERY glad when we were done!!

That's all I got for now, so until later,
God Bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh- football sounds so fun!! I haven't played in forever and I miss it!! Interceptions are the best, aren't they!?!?
Hit Ali (yellow cars, hummers, PT Cruisers, Bugs!) a couple times for me; but not too hard!! :)