Friday, July 13, 2007

We're Back!!


How's it going with everybody!!

A week ago Wednesday (the 4th) we went up North to visit my Mom's side of the family. We got to my Mom's Mother's house around 6pm. My both of my Aunts were there. We waded in the water and talked. I fell asleep for about an hour. We got out to the cottage around midnight.

Thursday Mom, Ali, Zack & Aleks went with Great Grandma Johnson to visit Great Great Grandmother Syria in the hospital. I had a fever so I couldn't go :-( I rested out in the sun for a couple hours & sweated the fever out. Then Grandpa Johnson & I put in the second Jet ski (it had been getting fixed) & took it for a test spin :-)

Friday Grandma Syria got out from the hospital and came out to the lake!! She is SUPER tough & very feisty!! Aleks went tubing for the first time!! We were using the newer jet ski to pull both Ali & Aleks (on the same one person tube) and it doesn't have as much pulling power as the old one did, & Ali fell off. So we went back & switched jet ski's and Aleks went by herself & did good. Then I pulled Ali, & Zack pulled me. Uncle Jed & his girlfriend & her 2 daughters (Aleks & Emmy's age) came out and spent the night. We light some fireworks.

Saturday we went swimming & jet skiing & stuff. Grandpa Johnson (owns a Ford dealership, now you know why I'm "partial" to Fords) let me drive his NEW Ford F- 150 to the gas station. It was REALLY nice & had A LOT of power. Anyway, Ali & I went tubing again & tried laying down on our stomachs instead of sitting in it. Zack was driving, & I was riding. He almost flipped me 3 times, & succeeded once. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Then he flipped Ali once too.

Sunday we got hit by a hail storm around 4am. I slept through the hail part & woke up afterward. Praise God only 1 window in the cottage got broke, & our van didn't get seriously damaged. Grandma Jackie's car had some dents in it, & my Aunt's fiancee's car got the worst of it, it got hit a couple times in the windshield & it got wrecked. The hail dad brought in were the size of tennis balls. We worked for a hour or so cleaning up the leaves & stuff. Then the weather man said that was only round one. Another storm was coming. Praise the Lord it missed us!! We left around 5pm our time, & got home around 11pm.

Monday we worked. Ali babysat from 8am until 9pm at night, for 2 different people.

Tuesday we worked. Then we went swimming at some friends house.

Wednesday night we went to a game night @ the same friend's house, and it was really fun. We played volleyball for a bit(at which I am REALLY bad), and then we played football(at which I am a little bit better). Then we went inside & played pool, foosball, ping pong, & sheephead. We stayed there until 12:30am. I thought I had it bad until I heard 2 other people had to get up at am!!

Thursday we worked. Then we went to square dance lessons, which were fun. Wednesday night didn't hit until last night.

This morning I slept until 9AM!! I usually can't sleep that long. Tonight Zack, Dad & I went to work, & some people showed up to watch. I don't know about you but I don't like when people watch me work, cuz I'm a bit shy around people I've never met. Well tonight Zack & I were in the parlor milking while dad was sawdusting & mixing feed. So I talked to the guy who I found out is in the Navy and right now is stationed in California. He bought a farm in northern wisconsin and is going to raise beef cows when he retires.

Anyway, tomorrow we are going to go to a place called the Refinery where they have people playing praise & worship music 24 hours both saturday & sunday. I am going to play guitar with my good friend Nate Gumness & some other people.

Well I better go.
God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! An update from Ike...finally! lol
It sounds like your trip was fun. Hail as big as tennis balls would be scary though!
The game night was fun, but you're not *that* bad at volleyball. (Not as bad as me, that is! lol)