Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jacob William Klahn AKA "Jake"


Yes, I know it's been a LONG time since I last blogged. It's been a busy last couple weeks.

Wednesday (the 15th) @ 3:21pm Jacob William made his entrance into the world!!! He is INCREDIBLY cute!! He weighed 8lbs 4oz & was 21 inches long. At first mom said she thought he might look like me, but now she thinks he looks more like Emmy & Elsie, oh well!! Mom & Jake came home Friday evening, but we had to use a special blanket with a light in it, because his bilirubin numbers (something in his blood) were climbing. Monday morning we had his blood tested again & his bilirubin numbers were still climbing, so he & mom checked back into the hospital. They stayed until Wednesday morning so he could be in a special bed. Wednesday morning his numbers were down dramatically to the normal level!! He is really content & quiet, ( unlike the last 4)!! It is awesome to have another boy in the house!! Today he was wearing overalls (probably spelled wrong) & it was REALLY cute!!! I don't understand how people can only want 2 or 3 kids!!

I'm sorry it took so long to blog. This past week we've been getting the farm ready for a Dairy picnic sponsored by the Waukesha County Holstein Breeders Association. The farm looked REALLY nice & clean!! Today there were about 100 people or so @ the farm. They brought lunch (awesome) and Mr Gehl (the owner talked about the farm & plant). Then there were door prizes. Everyone who entered won a prize & there were still a few gifts left over.

Well, I gotta go. I was trying to blog some pics of Jake, but it's not working right now, so maybe later.

God Bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the pictures I've seen on your sister's blogs, Jake is adorable!!! I absolutely ADORE little boys in overalls! It's really too bad that he had to go back to the hospital. Some friends of ours had to use a "bili-blanket" with one of their daughters, too. I'm so glad he's home with you guys now. :)
I cannot even imagine what life in a small family would be like...boring? lol If we only had 2 or 3 kids in my family, we'd have missed out on so much fun!!!
well, gtg...