Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Flunkee :-)


Today I had my road test in Beaver Dam. And I flunked it. The guy was a bit grumpy & I was really nervous. I got off on the wrong foot when I almost went out of the parking lot against the signs (oops), and that made me even more nervous. My points were under the limit, but I was failed because I went (at the most) 3mph down a hill. I admit, it was my fault. God taught me a hard lesson, a REALLY hard lesson (Romans 8:28). I am much better off for it, because it's got me to slow down, & really focus on everything going on around me. So, I have another test scheduled for Tuesday in Watertown (I've heard horror stories). PLEASE pray for peace & relaxation for my next test. I was sooooooo disappointed today, that I couldn't stop the tear for 5-10min., & I never cry!!

Anyway, His lessons & timing aren't always our own. But all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to his purpose.
God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you flunked! That really stinks! It's nice that you can have a second try so soon, and that you can think of the things God is teaching you through this. I'll pray that you will have peace for your next test!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry you didn't pass you driving test! That really stinks!! Hope you pass on Tuesday!

Sarah said...

Hi Ike,
I know how you feel!!